Sleep Disorder Screening Tests
If you have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, getting back to sleep or waking up feeling refreshed, click here to learn the SECRETS TO BETTER SLEEP and the cures and treatments for insomnia.
But if you go right to sleep yet wake up unrefreshed and are tired during the day, your daytime sleepiness might be caused by a different sleep disorder such as obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, reflux or periodic limb movements in sleep.
To learn which sleep disorder might be causing your problems, answer the following questions and if indicated, follow the link to learn more about that particular sleep disorder.
Thinking only about the LAST FOUR WEEKS, "X" any of the statements that are true. If a statement does not apply or is false, just leave it blank. If it is marked with an *, ignore the four week time frame.
___ You often anticipated that you would have trouble falling asleep.
___ You often have trouble turning off your thoughts while trying to fall
___ You often have difficulty falling asleep.
___ You often worry about not being able to fall asleep.
___ You often wake up after a few hours of sleep and have trouble
getting back to sleep.
___ You often lie awake in bed for more than 30 minutes before you fall
___ *You didn't have trouble falling asleep while on vacation or on
___ You like to lie in bed and read or watch TV until you fall asleep.
Two or more true answers suggest insomnia.
* * * * * * * * *
___ Your family and friends say you have become grumpy and/or irritable.
___ You are tired all the time.
___ You have less energy than you used to have.
___ You could easily take a nap before dinner.
___ You find that you are moody a lot of the time.
___ You have trouble concentrating.
___ Your memory isn't as good as it used to be.
___ You rarely look forward to getting up in the morning.
* * * * * * * * *
___ You are tired for no reason.
___ You have less energy than you used to have and want to have.
___ You do not enjoy the things that you used to.
___ Almost every day you feel sad, hopeless, discouraged, or listless.
___ You don't want to be around other people.
___ You feel lonely.
___ You feel that you are not useful or needed.
___ You feel hopeless about the future.
* * * * * * * * *
___ You often feel weak.
___ You have gained weight or are having more trouble losing weight.
___ Your hair has become coarse and dry and/or is falling out.
___ Your skin has become dry, rough and pale.
___ The cold bothers you more than most people.
___ You have frequent muscle cramps and aches.
___ You have more frequent constipation than you used to.
___ Your menstrual cycles have become abnormal.
* * * * * * * * *
___ You have been told that you snore, snort or stop breathing when you
___ You have a lower sex drive than you used to have.
___ You have been told that you thrash about a lot when you sleep.
___ You usually make more than 2 trips to the bathroom at night.
___ You sleep propped up on 2 or more pillows.
___ You don't remember dreaming.
___ *You are a male with a neck circumference of 17 1/2 inches or more.
___ *You're a female with a neck circumference of 16 1/2 inches or more.
___ *You have gained at least 20 pounds in a 6-12 month period.
* * * * * * * * *
___ Sometimes you wake up with a sore throat.
___ Sometimes you get daytime heartburn.
___ Sometimes you get a burning sensation in your chest when lying
___ Sometimes when you burp after eating, acid or food particles back
up into your mouth.
___ Sometimes you get a pain in your abdomen when you feel stressed,
anxious or under pressure.
___ Sometimes you wake up choking.
___ Certain food or drink makes you gassy or bloated.
___ Your voice seems to be hoarse a lot lately.
* * * * * * * * *
___ At least once a month, a cramp or other type of pain in one or both
of your legs wakes you up.
___ At least once a week, you wake up with sore or achy muscles.
___ You've been told that you kick at night.
___ You've been told that your arms, legs or head jerk when you're
___ At least once a week, you get creepy, crawly sensations in your legs
during the day and/or at night while you are trying to sleep.
___ You can't keep your legs still at night; you have to move them to feel
___ You often wake up with achy legs or sore leg muscles.
___ You have to get up and walk around at night if you want your legs to
feel comfortable.
Two or more true answers suggest nocturnal myoclonus -
* * * * * * * * *
___ You often wake up with a dry mouth.
___ You have more trouble sleeping if you have a cold.
___ At least once a week, you sleep in a recliner.
___ At least twice a month, you have a stuffy nose when you wake up.
___ At least twice a month, you wake up during the night coughing.
___ At least twice a month, you wake up during the night gasping or short
of breath.
___ At least twice a month, you wake up wheezing or with a tight feeling
in your chest.
___ At least twice a month, you sleep with a window open even if it is
cold outside.
Two or more true answers suggest nasal or
* * * * * * * * *
___ You're not able to stay awake past 7 or 8 most evenings.
___ You're not able to fall asleep before 1 or 2 in the morning.
___ You have more energy in the morning than at any other time of day.
___ You have more energy in the afternoon than at any other time of
___ You get a second wind in the evenings.
___ You tend to feel sluggish around 2 - 3 pm.
___ You often wake up at 3 - 4 am and can't get back to sleep.
___ You have trouble feeling awake before 9 or 10 am.
* * * * * * * * *
___ You dream a lot.
___ You've slept through the phone ringing right next to the bed.
___ You find that using the computer helps keep you awake.
___ You can sleep 10 to 12 hours every night and still be tired.
___ You fall asleep during the day no matter how hard you try to stay
___ Even if you use an alarm clock, you have trouble getting up in the
___ *You have trouble keeping a job because you're always late for work.
___ You drink cups and cups of coffee and still have trouble staying
awake during the day.
* * * * * * * * *
___ Sometimes when you're laughing or surprised, your muscles may go
___ Sometimes when you're angry or afraid, your muscles may go limp.
___ Sometimes you get overwhelmingly sleepy during the day, even after
a full night's sleep.
___ Sometimes you fall asleep when you don't want to, such as when
you're eating, talking, driving or working.
___ You often feel like you are going around in a daze.
___ You experience vivid dreamlike scenes without realizing you are
___ You could easily take a nap at just about any time of the day.
___ You have dreams almost immediately after falling asleep, day or night.
* * * * * * * * *
___ You've been told that you grind your teeth when you're sleeping.
___ You've been told that you walk in your sleep.
___ You've been told that you talk in your sleep.
___ Sometimes you have terrible nightmares.
___ Sometimes you wake up screaming in fear.
___ Sometimes you remember acting out your dreams.
___ Sometimes you wake up with a sore jaw or a pain in your temples.
___ If you get a phone call right after you go to sleep, you have trouble
waking up enough to be able to talk coherently.
* * * * * * * * *
If you were not directed to any link, it would appear that you do not have a medically related physical or mental reason for being tired all the time. You can take the test again and be REALLY, REALLY honest with your answers or click here to go to 101 Better Sleep Tips to see if any of them can help you get better sleep naturally.